Whosyergurl [Hoosier girl] - Mutterings from a midwest gal. I live in the heartland, the land of limestone, "somewhere in the middle." These are my thoughts, opinions, my life. It is called Hoosier Hospitality.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Show and Tail

Initially, I thought that the name of the meme was Wags and Tails...Chelsea doesn't have a tail, so she can't wag. She does "wag" (or wiggle) her stump. In Britain, there is a ban on removing the tails of Welsh Pembroke Corgis. If it were up to me, I would not have done it, but by the time we met her, at three weeks, it was done. I even said to the breeder, "I don't want her tail docked." And the breeder said "um, it has already been docked." Chelsea was born on June 30, 2008. It is hard to believe that she will be two years old this summer. She has settled down a lot. Don't get me wrong, Welsh Pembroke Corgis have a lot of energy. A couple of weeks ago, I took her out on the rails to trails for seven miles and she came in and started tearing around the house like a crazy person. I have learned, it isn't the distance that wears her out, but rather, the speed. I picked her, or rather, she picked me (she licked my arm) when she was three weeks old. Then we went to the farm to see her at five weeks and one more time before we took her home at eight weeks. She weighed three pounds and we have a video of her walking around on the kitchen table and at the end of the video, she walks right up to the camera. She weighs around eighteen pounds. She was the next to the smallest of the litter. (The "runt" didn't make it.) She is an unusually small Corgi and people always think she is a puppy. I am one of those moms that loves to dress her up. As of late, she has been sporting a jaunty lavender and pink bandanna. She always gets a lot of attention and compliments whenever I take her out. We belong to a local agility club called "Flying Paws." This will be her second summer. She does a lot better than I do. I am the one that holds her back.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Who cares what you wear?
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Prime time
This way, we didn't have to take everything out of the cabinets.
First, we sanded. Then, I scrubbed everything down. Then we started to prime. I probably won't be able to move tomorrow. I hope I can because we are hoping to start painting. I was surprised at how quick we accomplished so much. Unfortunately, the oil primer gave me nausea and a headache, so we went out to dinner.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Here we go again
Since it has started to warm up, he has announced that we would get back at the kitchen re-do. So he started taking all of the cabinet fronts off of the cabinets and all of the drawer fronts off of the drawers. It makes it much easier to see where things are, but here are a few photos of how the kitchen looks currently.
I will keep you posted as to how it goes. The cabinets are cheap, the kitchen (entire house) is dark and I am going to paint the cabinets cream color and have celery green walls. Should lighten up the kitchen a lot.
Friday, March 26, 2010
New layout
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Lambie Pies!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
My fur kids
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Recipe for Sunday Brunch
Just how long have I been making creamed chipped beef on toast? Since I was a newlywed in 1978. We were married on September 16, 1978 and this was in the Columbus Dispatch on October 18. I was very young and working hard at being a good Suzy Homemaker. Just for the record, I haven't been Mrs. Don Bennett since 1989.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Last night in Hawai'i
Japanese style sliding door opens to the lanai. We slept with it open with the sound of the waves crashing and the ocean breeze sweeping over us. Perfect for our last night. this close to the sea wall
from the lanai
Our last day in Kona we decided to spend it each in our own way. Doug went snorkeling and I walked Alii Drive and visited a lot of shops. I walked a very long distance- all the way to the bay at the far end of Alii. We met for breakfast and lunch and then went to watch the sun set. this shot is my screen saver
We were not flying out until 10 p.m., so we went to eat dinner and then sat and had a couple of drinks while watching the Olympics and listening to a local band. Going to Hawai'i, it was difficult for me to imagine putting on shorts, sandals and tank tops. Then coming back, it was difficult to pull on socks and shoes and my bluejeans. I didn't change until just before leaving for the airport. I felt sad to leave Hawai'i and told the ocean "good-bye." Now, ever so often Doug says "so, when do you want to go back?"
Blog Archive
- Wordless Wednesday
- Show and Tail
- Who cares what you wear?
- Prime time
- Here we go again
- New layout
- Lambie Pies!
- Wonderful Wednesday
- My fur kids
- Spring!
- Recipe for Sunday Brunch
- Last night in Hawai'i
- Holei Sea Arch, Papakolea beach & Ka Lae
- Volcano National Park 2/16/10
- 2/15/10 The wedding day!
- A cruise and some booze
- A wonderful thirteen
- Above the clouds
- Off to my old stompin' grounds!
- Hapuna Beach and Lapahoehoe Point
- Citizen Cope - Rainwater