Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cinnamon roll cake

I found this recipe through Pinterest.  It is very easy.

Yellow Cake Mix
4 eggs
3/4 cup oil
1 cup sour cream

Mix by hand and pour in to 13x9 greased baking pan.

1 cup brown sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
Mix and pour over cake batter.  Swirl into batter with knife.

Bake @ 325 for 40 minutes.  Let cake cool 10-15 minutes before icing.

2 cups powdered sugar
4 tbsp milk.

Pour over warm cake.

I didn't take a picture after I iced the cake.  I think I just forgot.  My icing was a little thick.  I should have added more milk.  This cake is moist and good.  Now, want to know a little secret?  We had bugs in our cabinet this summer and recently I threw out all of my spices.  I made a special trip to the grocery to buy all of the ingredients for this cake.  But I forgot that I didn't have any cinnamon.  So my cinnamon roll cake was just roll cake!  But it was still good.  Just think how wonderful it will be the next time I make it and actually use one of the main ingredients!


Kris said...

Mmmmmm! I can smell it from here!

From the Kitchen said...

Looks delicious and I am all for easy!


Holly said...

Roll cake, that's funny! Bet it would be better with the cinnamon. Wish you were going to be with Kris and I this weekend, we like cake! Love ya!

Pam said...

Yum! I need a slice now!

Coollady said...

Newbie here! This looks Yummy! I will try it tonight with some milk!

I saw on Twitter you saw Mellencamp in Btown last evening. Where at?

Whosyergurl said...

Coollady: I tweeted back...have no way of contacting you. I saw John Mellencamp at Malibu. The waitress said she has seen him in there ten times and has seen Meg Ryan in there with him twice.
Welcome! Cheryl

Coollady said...

oh! He ate alone?
Maybe have Jon over for some home cooking! and some of this cake!

Chatty Crone said...

Now that looks GOOD! sandie

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