My church has but one temple,
Wide as the world is wide,
Set with a million stars,
Where a million hearts abide.
My church has no creed to bar
A single brother man
But says, "come thou and worship"
To ever one who can.
My church has no roof nor walls,
Nor floors save the beautiful sod
For fear, I would seem to limit
The love of the illimitable God.
author unknown.
All these years, I have carried my faith inside. It is personal and I keep it close in my heart. And when I feel as if I am most at worship, I am in nature.
As I finished this book, there were tears running down my cheeks. The scene where his eyes are touched so that he might see as they see was beautiful. Each creature worshipping. It brought to mind all of the places where I have found most holy- the Smokey mountains of Tennessee, the Rockies of Colorado, sitting beside Lawn Lake with a sky full of stars pressing down on me at midnight, the Boundary Waters of Minnesota, the Grand Canyon, sunset at Cedar Bluffs which is very near my house, laying in the grass to photograph daffodils and literally hearing the grass growing...these are the times I listen and hear and see the majesty of His Holiness. These are the times I am in awe and worship.
I found William P. Young's interpretation of an age old story to be amazing. No matter what your belief is regarding your faith, if you haven't read this book, I would urge you to do so. It is beautiful.
Thank you, Debbie, for loving me enough to share this story with me! Love you! Me.