Whosyergurl [Hoosier girl] - Mutterings from a midwest gal. I live in the heartland, the land of limestone, "somewhere in the middle." These are my thoughts, opinions, my life. It is called Hoosier Hospitality.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Marley & Me

Monday, December 22, 2008
"Powerless-ness feels right"

His name was Elijah

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Lores Steury, July 25, 1922 to December 12, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008
Stopping by my hometown on a snowy evening.
My friend Debbie used to quote this poem to me. I loved listening to her voice, waiting for my favorite line: "The woods are lovely, dark and deep." It was so comforting.
Last Saturday night I was in New Castle and Kathy bought tickets to the Foster Grandparents Holiday Home tour. At Mayor Small's home, which is down a long lane, they were giving carriage rides to and from the house. I love how this shot picked up the snow. Here are some other shots from from the tour:
starting with the entrance and the beautiful real fruit!
Hand carved bed in master bedroom. Carved long ago by a family member.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Keeping Room

I found this "keeping room" sign in a shop in Pendleton and thought it would be perfect for the center beam of the room. When I researched the meaning of a "keeping room," I learned that it was often a room with a fireplace or a hearth. Often, it was off of the kitchen. In our house, the living room is off of the kitchen. This keeping room is on the lower level of the house which was added to the original home at some point.

Here is Milo, investigating the "new room." Doug painted the room in the paint that I picked out - "toast," and I took it from there.

Buckeyes from Kathy R's neighbor's yard. Pine cone candles that were gifts from my daughter, Laura.

The valences are from the kitchen of my former house. I am also using a throw rug that I had in the kitchen. The burgundy works well, don't you think? The table is a family piece that was my great- aunt's. The rocker was a Road 40 find - I think that I paid $45. for it. Isn't that great?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Photo Contest

Monday, November 17, 2008
One year anniversary.

Those is my Cardinals!
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YUP. I'm a BSU grad. Same as Dave. :-)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Painted Veil (2006)

This is where Cheryl's favorite most obscure moment of the movie occurs - neighbor, Mr. Waddington asks if the journey was terribly arduous and Kitty Fane's response is this: "terribly." What else would she say. But I ask you - how bad can it be when you are sitting on a chair, she is sheltered from the sun and dust, give me a freakin break. It wasn't like she traveled in a Conestoga sitting behind the asses of a couple of oxen!
The most sensual scene (sensuous?) in the movie occurs with the same neighbor, with whom the Fanes develop an intimate relationship, mostly from lack of any other neighbors, or Caucasians.
I won't give away the entire movie. You'll have to rent it to see for yourself, but I will say that I was cheering for Kitty when five years later she runs into Charles Townsend on the street of London while she has her son Walter by the hand. Charlie once again tries to make a play for her and she basically tells him to eat sand. When she and her son walk away, young Walter says "who was that, Mummy?" and Kitty replies, "no one." YAY Kitty. Men who cheat are scums.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
"Don't look at her!"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Good In Bed by Jennifer Weiner

It seems totally apropos that the first Jennifer Weiner book that I've read was the first novel she wrote in 2001. I carried this book around with me everywhere. It even went to Arizona and back with me. And everywhere I went I told people - "it isn't a sex book."
The protagonist, like Jennifer Weiner, (and myself) is a "little overweight." Cannie Shapiro, again like Jennifer Weiner, is a newspaper reporter. Weiner writes of both being overweight and being a reporter with first-hand knowledge. It seems like a premonition for Weiner when in her book, Shapiro sells her screenplay and makes it big. Because that is what happened to Weiner with "In her Shoes."
In the book, Cannie is "taking a break" from boyfriend Bruce. He is hired to write a magazine column that is entitled "Good in Bed." In his column he writes of what it is like to love a "larger woman," and it is with great horror that Cannie realizes that the "C" that he refers to is none other than herself. This discovery propels her to make certain changes in her life. Cannie is pathetic, like many of us have been, claiming to still be in love with the evil Bruce. She takes steps to become a healthier woman, but all the while battles her inner demons.
Weiner, comes from a broken home and also seems to write about a father's abandonment with realistic accuracy. One of my favorite parts in the book is when she compares Shapiro to a rat, working to get that positive reinforcement when seeking out her father's approval and affection. I always seek out those rare obscure moments in book and movies (and personal relationships) that for me are defining moments.
Weiner has now written a sequel to Good in Bed entitled "Certain Girls." For me, book number two will be Weiner's sixth book.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Hidey Holes and other woodsey finds

Isn't she pretty? Her smile and company can light up any day. She and I have been friends for nearly (gulp) thirty years. We've been on lots of adventures, together.