I picked up this Christmas meme from
Doris. Participate if you feel so inclined. I would love to hear about your holiday traditions!
1. Egg nog or hot chocolate? Depends. I love
Evan Williams eggnog. I usually cut eggnog with milk. I do like Kahlua or Bailey's in it, too. And, yes - hot chocolate, too -with marshmallows or whipped cream.
2. Does Santa wrap gifts or just leave them under the tree? When I was growing up, and when my children were little, Santa left a few special gifts under the tree - the rest were wrapped. Now, all gifts are wrapped. I've continued my great-grandma's tradion of making my own tags using old cards and a paper punch and pinking shears. My "signature look" is curling ribbon. Mostly, I use gift bags. So easy!
3. Colored lights or white? I like both. My son
always wanted colored lights. Now that I have a pre-lit tree, it has green, red and white lights.
4. Mistletoe? Not always, but sometimes. Christmas is always a good excuse to kiss those you love.
5. When do you put your decorations up? Always before my daughter comes home to Indiana. (She has been living out of state for the past five years, now.) This year, my family came from two hours away to celebrate Thanksgiving with us so I put my tree up just before Thanksgiving. I still need to get the rest of my decorations out. On my to-do list for today.
6. Favorite Christmas dish? There are so many! I love cranberry sauce for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Ham seems to be good for Christmas. Everyone always wants me to make an appetizer dish that has sausage, salsa, sour creme, cheese that you eat with tortilla chips. So popular that I usually make two.
7. Favorite childhood memory? We always got new pajamas, robe and slippers and a new "Christmas outfit." Growing up, we didn't often have new clothes. I was the oldest of three - it seemed as if someone was always barfing on Christmas day. We would all stop opening presents and wait for them to return from the bathroom. (Not my favorite childhood memory, but a memory none the less.)
8. When did you learn the truth about Santa? I always wanted to believe. I suppose I must have been ten years old when I finally admitted the truth.
9. Do you open gifts on Christmas eve or Christmas morning? Always Christmas morning.
10. How do you decorate your tree? Never thematic. I use old favorite ornaments and newly acquired old looking ornaments. I love pine cones and a full tree, so I use picks to fill in.
11. Snow! Love it or despise it? LOVE IT! I love it when the world is clean and white without footprint or mark. Grey, dirty snow? NO WAY.
12. Ice skating? In in high school. Before global warming, our local park lake froze
hard every year. There would be a fire in a big barrel and my sweet boyfriend would un-lace my skates. Yes, I was good back then- rarely fell. He and I would skate about, holding hands.
13. Favorite gift, ever? I always loved the gifts that my children gave to me when they were little. Last year, the duggles and my two children all pitched in to buy my laptop for me. That was very nice!
14. Most important part of the holidays? Family and friends. I do love to go to church on Christmas Eve, but don't, usually because that is when family is here. I love watching old favorite holiday movies such as "It's a wonderful life, Scrooged, Holiday Inn." I also love the smells of Christmas.
15. Favorite holiday sweets? I loved that ribbon candy that we used to have. There are usually too many sweets around Christmas and I find myself sampling every one of them!
16. Favorite holiday tradition? In my family, the children had to wait until everything was ready before coming into the living room- candles lit, tree lights on. I did that with my children too and even though they are still in their twenties, we still do it. We usually have cinnamon rolls for breakfast and coffee with Kahlua or Baileys in it.
17. What tops your tree? In the past, an angel with a porcelain head wearing a red satin gown with white wings. The past two years, an antiqued tin star.
18. Giving or receiving? GIVING! I shop all year and usually have quite a stash when Christmas rolls around.
19. Candy canes? I like the red and green ones. I always put them in stockings and put a few on the tree.
20. Favorite Christmas show? I've always loved to watch Little Women with Susan Sarandon. I love Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman.
21. Saddest Christmas song? I'll have a blue Christmas without you sung by Elvis.
22. Favorite Christmas song? The Best Gift on the Barbara Streisand Christmas album. I'll also say that it has always driven everyone nuts around me...but I love the old Kenny and Dolly Christmas album.
I would like to tag
Susan and
Mindy and
Last year when Doug's dad passed on December 12, he didn't want to get a tree. I went to Kmart and bought this little pre-lit for $35.00-$40.00. It suits our needs very well and looks great in our keeping room.