After leaving Bonnieville dam, we went to the town of Hood River. Hood River was one of my favorite towns in the NW territory. It was the only town that we visited that I could imagine myself living in. Similar to Bloomington, Hood River was a small town. And I am a small town girl. We went to eat at Full Sail brewery. Then, in an attempt to find the car, we got lost and had to go around the block to get back out to the street. But, because we got lost, I was able to get this photo, which I wouldn't have gotten,otherwise.
Beautiful Mount HoodTimberline Lodge
This is the scene in front of the check-in desk.
Built in 1937, the moment you enter the lodge, you step back in time. Much of the Lodge is original. Does anyone remember how to operate one of these?
Our room.
If we hadn't happened to visit during off-season, rates were half off. Otherwise, we wouldn't have spent what is costs to stay in the lodge, normally.
Looking down from the top floor.
Built by the WPA, nearly everything was built on site.
Doug loved this giant door. I love this photo of Doug.
Old original mailboxes.
Each hallway had these door opening to the stairwell.
Doug at the window in our room.
From the moment that we pulled up - we noticed many of the windows of the lodge were open. It was very warm in the lodge. A young man informed us that the heat came from an old boiler system and if it was shut down, it took several days for the lodge to become warm once again. Despite snow on the ground (they had blizzard like conditions the weekend before that dumped 18 inches of snow on the ground) we slept with the window open with the breeze causing the blinds to flap. Across the parking lot was the ski-lodge where I found my old friend, Smokey.
The exterior of the Timberline was the lodge in the movie The Shining.
Farmer's Market buffet.
Doug on the Pacific Crest trail.
Doug and I hiked from the lodge up to the Silcox hut. (1 mile up)
This Raven posed for me.
Another great shot of Doug on Mt. Hood.
We tried to stay out of the snow, so that our feet would stay dry, but at one point, I fell through the crust up to my knee. We hiked in shirt sleeves and it was a beautiful sunny day. We could see for miles. Doug loved the lodge and wanted to stay another night but I was jonsing for a bathtub so that I could shave my legs. Being the smart man that he is, Doug set about finding a room with a bathtub as we traveled on to Idaho.