Today is the birthday of Chelsea Kabob Bennett, my Welsh Pembroke Corgi. She is one year old.
One of the first photos ever taken after we brought her home.
To this day, it is one of my favorites and I have it framed and at my desk, at work.
She would just sit at the edge of the step.
I believe the breeder we bought her from has this one on her website.
When Duggles and I went out to the farm to pick her out - he gave me a lot of lip about "I'm not going to fall in love with this dog...blah, blah, blah." She was only three weeks old when I picked her out. Basically, she picked me out. I held each of the the puppies and Chelsea licked my arm. The runt had died and she was the smallest remaining. She is still small for a Corgi and only weighs twenty pounds and that is where the vet wants her to stay. At three weeks, she looked like a guinea pig and couldn't even use her back legs. I sat her down on the gravel in the farm lot and she tried to move forward but was making swimming motions only using her front paws. On the way home, Duggles was asking me what was wrong with her. I proceeded to ask him if he could crawl in gravel when he was three weeks old. I told him that she was a baby. We went back for a visit at five weeks and she had changed a lot. I brought her out of the nursery shed and Doug melted. I think he has loved her ever since.
We have not had her in any formal classes to date but have just signed her up for a beginner's agility class with a company called "Flying Paws." Isn't that an adorable name? It will be fun.
My puprs is now a dogrs. Happy Birthay, Chelsea.