Apparently, boxing ruins a manicure. Who knew? I certainly didn't. I wouldn't think that if you had on these cute boxing gloves that your nails would get messed up, but mine did. Before yesterday, I had never had on a pair of boxing gloves. At one of the classes I took in my
Meltdown program, we punched the water base punching bag. There were ladies gloves in pink like these and lavender. Pretty cute. I saw some people just hitting the bag. Not me. I was punching for all I was worth. First of all, one of my goals when I started boot camp was to have "guns." (Big muscles in my arms.) Plus, I have a lot of aggression in me. My work-out partner, Katie said "let your inner bitch out." I said "let your inner hill-jack out." When we were done, Katie & I tapped our gloves together. I said "I think I want to be a boxer!" It was fun.

The class I was in has stations and you work your way around the room doing different tasks. You are at each station for four or five minutes. In one station, we swing kettle bells, similar to these. I have graduated from the fifteen pound bell to the twenty-five pound bell.

The owner and master of Meltdown is Adam. Ever the doppleganger, Adam is both caring mother and task-master to us. His latest torture device is "Jacob's Ladder." I didn't see them use it on Biggest Loser, but Adam said that they did and he had to have one. The first time I was on it I did five minutes and climbed 274 feet. Adam posted a video of me on facebook to demonstrate that anyone of any age or weight can do Jacob's Ladder. Even though I am the poster child for the older, over-weight woman, I am proud of what I am doing. We are beginning week four of boot camp and our second weigh-in is next Sunday. On my first two week weigh-in I lost 11.2. I have never worked so hard in any exercise class that I've ever been in. This program and the people who participate are like no other. There is literally blood, sweat, tears and barf. I haven't personally seen the barfing part. (Thank goodness!) The big trash can is ever present. People of all ages and weight range work and encourage one another. In class I am gasping for breath and hanging on for dear life. I can't say enough about this program. When you are in boot camp, you are eating, living, breathing this program. My daughter was home for a weekend and said that was all I talked about the entire time. I know everyone in my life feels the same. It is a journey and while on it, you are working harder than you've ever worked at anything and it is all you can think about. It takes every ounce of effort within my being. And even though the gloves ruined my manicure, I can't wait to box again!